

Italian Cream Cake is one of my favorite cakes. Who can resist all that coconut, pecans, and cream cheese frosting? But if we’re being totally honest here, I don’t always want to fuss with a layer cake. Sometimes you just want to simplify. And that, my friends, is how this cake came to be Scholarships in hong kong.

This sweet, dense cake is packed with all the things we love about Italian Cream Cake. It’s filled with sweet coconut and crunchy pecans. As for the cream cheese, it’s mixed right into the batter. No frosting required!

While I’m calling this a cake, it’s dense enough that you can grab a piece with your hand. It makes a great quick sweet treat for a snack or a coffee break. Just grab a slice and enjoy Coworking Space HK!

Another bonus for this cake is that I am pretty much guaranteed to have all the ingredients in my kitchen to make it. If your favorite tastes run along these lines, you can join me in having our Italian Cream fix any time we want!

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